
Each fall we make decisions and fresh starts. For many, getting back into a regular routine involves getting back into the habits and commitments that make up their life. School, sports, work, and other opportunities and commitments that took a break for the summer now kick-off once again. For many, this also means getting back to church. But what does getting back to church really mean?

For some, church is simply a place to go. For others, it’s a place to get their needs met. But is this really what Jesus had in mind when he started the church over 2000 years ago? Could it be that getting back to church is really about getting back to what Jesus originally had in mind?

At River Club, we believe there are five core purposes of why the local church exists. These timeless truths are what we call, the Five Things. They are the focus of what it means to be part of RCC and are our desire for everyone who walks through the door!

Come explore the Five Things and what they mean for you and for us as a community. Join us as we see that it takes more than simply showing up to really grow up spiritually!

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