
What if the “Good News” of Jesus was still good news to the world? What if we took the Great Commission seriously? What does making disciples mean, and what does it look like today?

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to make disciples. Over the next three weeks, we’ll talk through what Jesus actually meant by that.

At the end of Jesus’ time on earth, he made a very clear statement concerning the vision of His church moving forward. In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus tells his disciples (and us today), that we are to “go” and to “make disciples.” His call was clear, but the church seems to have wandered from this. We’ve fallen into this belief that it’s a good idea for someone else to do it. But it’s not for someone else to do; it’s for each one of us.

How does the Movement of Jesus still move us, and move the church?

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